Our #mannequinchallenge

Some Online Metric Conversion Practice...

Try out a few of these online games this weekend and leave comment below to let us know which ones you found helpful!!

We were wondering...

Made with Padlet


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Using Padlet

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Made with Padlet

Pax - a Global Read Aloud

Today was an exciting day, as we got started with a new Class novel, Pax. Even more exciting is that this novel will give us the opportunity to connect with students all over the world who are reading right along with us! This project is called the Global Read Aloud, and this will be my first year participating. I can't wait to see where it takes us!!

Although a sad starter, I think this story will be one of action and adventure. The idea of reading a story through the perspective of a fox is really interesting! I loved how the author vividly described how Pax was taking in the scents of the world around him, and using this information to understand what was happening.

How do you feel about the story so far? What do you think might happen next? What are some questions that you have so far?

Please answer one of these questions in the comments below. You can also respond to a classmates comment using productive communication.

A great song...

This is one of my favourite songs for Growth Mindset. It was our "Class theme song" last year. What could our class theme song be this year?  Here is the link!

September News

Hello families! I hope you are all settling into the daily routines of being back in school. I know it may be a bit of an adjustment, but we should all be back on track very soon! Each month, during the first week, you can expect to check the class blog for our "Monthly News". I will post the news here, under the main page of the blog,  and I will also add it to the "Monthly Updates" tab. This is where you can find information about what we are learning in the different subject areas.

As we get started in September, we will mostly be focussing on building a strong learning community in our classroom. We will get to know each other, learn about our own strengths and those of our classmates and set out our learning goals for the school year. We will spend a great deal of time learning about "Growth Mindset" which can be described as the way we think about challenges that come our way, and how we respond to them. The development of a young learners "Growth Mindset" has proven to be very important in their success and attitude towards learning. Here is an image that may help you understand the topic and here is a great article that describes Growth Mindset very well. 

Learning about and developing our Growth Mindset will be a part of our learning in all subject areas, but in addition to that we will begin more specific learning in different subject areas.

In Math we will begin the year with Place Value and large digit Addition and Subtraction. Our learning will take place in many ways. We will primarily use Problem Solving to learn about the strategies that can be useful is solving real world problems. Through problem solving the students will develop new math strategies, practise their collaboration and communication skills and work on developing their Growth Mindset.

In Science we will begin the year with my favourite unit, Biodiversity! This unit is a great way to start our year, as it will have us outdoors from time to time, learning about the life around us in some nice weather! Students will also work on their research skills and presentation skills.

In Social Studies we will start with the Communities of Canada, past and present. This unit will take a number of months to carry out and will have some great opportunities for inquiry based learning in small groups and sharing with our peers.

I really look forward to getting started with a fabulous new group of Grade Six Students, be sure to check our blog regularly to stay informed about all of the exciting things happening in our class!!

Mrs. Leeper is on Twitter!

Hello families! I am always looking for fun ways to bring technology into our classroom and this summer I have joined the ever popular world of Twitter for that purpose! If you are on Twitter please follow along to see some of the great things we are up to in Grade 6! I will also be sharing ideas for learning at home and fun things to do in our community!

You can click on the "Twitter Banner" on the sidebar or search for "MrsLeeper_tvdsb" to follow!

Welcome to Grade 6!!

Hello Students!! I am so very happy to be meeting each of you today! After a very busy I cannot wait to get back to teaching and helping each of you to learn and grow to your fullest potential! I strive to make learning fun and hope that together, we can create a learning environment that is inspiring and fulfilling. I love using technology in the classroom and this  blog is one way that I try to bring our classroom community together! One of my newest projects is creating this blog for our classroom community! 

This blog will be an important component of our year. I will use it to keep you and your families' informed about learning activities, homework and upcoming events. I will share photos of our time together at school and the projects we are working on. The blog will serve as a place to interact with one another, as you will be expected to appropriately engage with your classmates using the comment section of posts. You will also have the opportunity to publish some of your own writing!

Please explore the blog today with your family and be sure to check in regularly. The tabs along the top will help you to navigate the site. If you are viewing the blog from a mobile device you may need to use the "web version" to see each of the tabs. This can be done by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking "view web version". You can leave comments at the end of posts, but understand that these will be visible to anyone viewing the website and I am not sure to see them in a timely manner.

If you would like to receive an email when new posts have been published you can do so by entering your email address is the "Follow by Email" section along the right sidebar.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding our class blog, I will try to answer them as best I can!